...by train
Trains run between London (Liverpool Street) and Colchester Station approximately every 10-20 minutes. The journey takes around an hour. Services also connect with Colchester from Norwich, Ipswich, Felixstowe and Harwich. Local bus and taxi services connect Colchester Station to the University. (Note: Colchester has three stations - these directions refer to the main station and not Colchester Town or Hythe.) Some trains from London (Liverpool Street) also stop at Wivenhoe Station. When travelling from the Clacton/Walton direction, alight at Wivenhoe or Hythe Stations and use the local bus and taxi service to connect to the University.
Alternatively, bus numbers 62, 74, 74B, 76 or 78 will take you to the University or there is a taxi rank directly outside the station.
Please note that the train service from London Liverpool Street to Colchester is often disrupted on Sundays due to work being carried out on the line. On such occasions bus services are used to replace the train for sections of the journey at no extra cost.
Further information is available on the following websites: